If your website has valid SSL then you saw a lock sign on your website which indicates your website is secure. If your website doesn’t have a proper SSL then read the full post to know how to install free SSL.

Normal SSL certificates are available in both paid and free but the paid certs are quite expensive. Most of the newbie bloggers or website owners don’t buy expensive SSL so a way to install an SSL for free.
If you have a new blog or website then you don’t require a premium SSL, you may install free SSL from various sites.
Google always prefer SSL secured website, SSL helps every website to protect their website data.
In this post we cover
- What is SSL?
- SSL is Necessary or not
- How SSL Works? – Guide In Short
- Best free SSL certificate providers
- How to install SSL on any Host
- How you know a website has valid SSL
Table of Contents
What is SSL?
SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and it uses to secure data of websites. Mainly SSL is most necessary for eCommerce websites where the crucial data are used.
From its name, it shows a layer of Security Socket there between the sender and the Receiver or you say a layer between the server and website.
SSL is Necessary or Not
If your website has an authorized SSL then your all data will send or receive with some encrypt techniques from the server or website. Because of this encryption technique, no hacker can access the data of your site user.
If your website doesn’t have valid SSL then your data may be hacked by some hacker that’s why a valid SSL is necessary.
How SSL Works – Guide in Short
Previously i explain about what is ssl? & its necessity, now we understand how ssl works to secure a website.
In the internet world every data transfer with HTTP ( HyperText Transfer Protocol ) and it is not secure that’s why HTTPS ( HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure ) technique invents
If a website is secured with valid SSL then all the data of the websites transfer with encryption and that data will decrypt with a particular key (Public Key / Private Key) that is available only in browser or server site, I mean that data will decrypt on server or browser.
Best Free SSL Certificate Providers
Because of the Huge Digital marketing trend different companies’ prices of SSL quite high. If you don’t but then here are the best free SSL certificate providers.
My personally used Free SSL providers are – sslforfree and CloudFlare and I prefer you to use these non-profit providers.
#1. CloudFlare
Cloudflare is a reputable CDN (content delivery network) and it is an American company founded in 2009. Basically this CDNs work is made website faster. You will use this CDN for free and it gives free SSL also.
Steps to use Free SSL of Cloudflare:
- Create/Login into Cloudflare account
- Enter Your website name and Follow the Procedure
- Click on Flexible SSL
- Now Your Free SSL is Activated From Cloudflare
Sslforfree is a non-profit SSL provider and you will generate unlimited SSL for your website with zero fees. But this website gives SSL for 3 months only then you renew, I mean you have to renew given SSL after every three months.
How to install free SSL on any Host
If you are using Blogger then you don’t require an SSL because blogger comes with free SSL. There are so many paid hostings there if you hosted on paid hostings like Hostgator, A2 Hosting,… or Bluehost, etc then you require an SSL.
Follow the below steps to install free ssl on any host –
Open sslforfree website and enter your Domain which requires SSL.

Now verify the domain using these three methods 1.Automatic FTP 2.Manual & 3.Manual DNS.

I verify using the third method that is Manual DNS verification.

Now add a TXT record using dns ZONE editor.

Now a ZIP file download which consist of SSL certificate.
Now three files you get in the downloaded zip file CA_BUNDEL,Cert Key and Public Key.
Now open your Hosting dashboard and open CPanel now search for ‘SSL’ and open and enter three cert detail one by one.

How to Install Free SSL
How you know a website has valid SSL
First method..
When you open a not secure website your browser automatically detect and give you a notification to don’t open that site was not https protected.
Second Method..
You will saw a Lock sign on the top search bar of your browser which displays it was protected with ssl.
Third Method…
You can use third party sites that helps you to identify this site is installed a valid SSL. ssllabs.com is a website which identify when you enter the website name.