A good Hosting Provider gives a smooth experience to your website users in page load time as well browsing experience. This reflects your growth in search Ranking. I always research a lot before choosing a hosting.
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Is Cloudways Worth it?
Yes, Cloudways is the best-managed WordPress Hosting because the Cloudwyas team optimizes your server for the best performance. You get dedicated server-side caching which improves website speed and server load.
Some people say Shared Web Hosting is best or some say Cloud Hosting is best. But the name doesn’t define which is best its server optimization technique decides best in terms of speed and utilization.
Hosting you could say is a soul of a website or blog so you need to be strict during choosing that. So Let’s start with how you can do this
In this article, I will talk about Cloudways which provides managed WordPress hosting, and whether you should go with it or not (Review).
Before describing my deep Research about Cloudway let me give a brief on What is Managed Hosting.
What is Managed Hosting?
Managed Hosting is a service where the provider manages your server and optimizes it for the best result. To manage your server the provider charges some particular amount.
The providers don’t use any pannel like Cpanel or AApanel they directly did operations using CLI (Command Line Interface).
What is Managed WordPress Hosting?
Managed WordPress hosting is the same as Managed hosting but the provider is only responsible to manage your WordPress website. There is a possibility where you can only create WordPress websites but not other technology websites( ex – Node.js or Java).
I was using Cloudways for some other websites since 2020 and I did a lot of tests and experiments to check the optimization and handling capacity.
Cloudways as Managed WordPress Hosting
Cloudways is a service base company and it doesn’t have any personal server setup they did partner with popular server companies to host their user’s websites. You can see the below snap to get an idea.

If you want to set up your website on one of the above servers then you don’t need any technical skill to deploy your website. Cloudways team made it for you easy with their own plugin (Cloudways WordPress Migrator) and optimizes the server for the best experience.
Even though you get 24/7 support from cloudways to sort out if something went wrong.
Don’t worry at the end of this article you get all benefits and drawbacks because my main motive is to provide you with genuine information.
Let’s talk about the major benefits of Cloudways
Cloudways Benefits
I have categorized the benefits of Cloudways in certain parts which will help you to understand better.
Cloudways Performance

Performance is a prominent factor in any product or service and Cloudways gave a very good performance to their all users. The primary reason for this is your website host on an optimized VPS server.
CDN – Cloudways has its own CDN service which will help your websites to load all resources quickly.
SSD STORAGE – HDD storage and SSD storage hosting options are available in the market, but if we compare the results of both then the result is 20% faster in SSD storage. Because of data transfer speed. You get only the SSD or better than SSD option in cloudways hosting.
CACHING – Caching is a big part where your server gets less load and better response. Basically in this, you get server-side inbuilt caching for less load on the server. If reflects less resource consumption and maximum website performance.Host your websites in Cloudways.
Is Cloudways Safe?
Cloudways is a managed VPS hosting provider and they have to manage their all user’s servers for the best security, performance, and flexibility, so you can believe in cloudways in terms of safety.
Cloudways Support

Cloudways team provides 24/7/365 days Live chat support because the name taught managed WordPress hosting where if any kind of server issue or error arrives then they will handle that. If you found any problem then you can directly chat with support or create a ticket to solve the issue.
Cloudways Control

If you have used UI of any hosting then you can easily control your websites on the Cloudways UI page. Cloudways has a simple UI that can be easily operatable by any newbie. Most of the options are available with one click like – One Click WordPress Install, One Click Backup, and many more. Still, if you felt any doubt then you can contact support or read a blog about Cloudways.
For any help need from me than you can comment below, I will personally help you.
We have talked about a lot of benefits but some minor drawbacks are there if you know a little bit about Linux. In all Managed Hosting Cloudways is the only hosting provider which offers billing according to the resource that has been used.
Cloudways have 5 server partners and you can deploy only on those servers. If you check the pricing of the partner servers on official sites then you see a 50% hike in Cloudways hosting plans. I have created a pricing chart shown below.
If you don’t want to know about Linux and don’t interested to learn then you can definitely go for Best Managed Hosting Cloudways.
If you know about Linux or are ready to learn then you can save 50% of the price
Cloudways Plans Vs. Partner Plans
2GB RAM / 1 Core Cpu / 25GB Storage / 1TB Bandwidth
DigitalOcean – $12
Vulture – $13
Linode – $12
DigitalOcean – $6
Vulture – $6
Linode – $5
If you compare the prices then Cloudways users pay an extra 50% for managing the server of clients. In every plan of cloudways you get this kind of hike. Cloudways team charges the extra amount to optimize your server and help you to solve problems faced by you.
If you opt for cloudways then you don’t get root access to your server so you can only host PHP websites on cloudways managed servers.
If you know about Linux commands then you can read blog posts on google for any problem in your server as well if you need extra help then you can hire a freelancer from Fiverr which costs $5.
Linode $100 Credit for 60 Days – Try to Save More on Hosting
With cloudways you get the best server optimization, server caching, security, and ease to deploy your PHP websites. If you are looking for WordPress hosting with the best performance then go for Cloudways.
If you have some knowledge of Linux then you should go with Linode, DigitalOcean, or Vulture. This service provider gives an external option where they charge $2 for 20GB storage and $2 for off-server backup.
What is Managed Hosting?
Managed Hosting is a service where the provider manages your server and optimizes it for the best result. To manage your server the provider charges some particular amount.
The providers don’t use any pannel like Cpanel or AApanel they directly did operations using CLI (Command Line Interface).
What is Managed WordPress Hosting?
Managed WordPress hosting is the same as Managed hosting but the provider is only responsible to manage your WordPress website. There is a possibility where you can only create WordPress websites but not other technology websites( ex – Node.js or Java).
Is Cloudways give root access?
No cloudways don’t give root access but you get an option to access ssh and do some non-root operations.
How many websites can I host on Cloudways?
Cloudways supports hosting multiple websites but you have a VPS server with some fixed resources ( Ram, Cpu, Storage). Until the resource is fully consumed you can host websites.
Cloudways Vs Shared Hosting?
In shared hosting, the resources are shared and the websites can be down anytime but in cloudways the server resource is used by your websites for best performance.